Hey! Thanks for your interest in keeping the conversation flowing.
The idea of ​​this website is to share my professional background, skills that I've acquired throughout the years, and inspire some people in their careers. If you have a new project challenge or even a job opportunity it will be great to talk about it!
Do you have permission to work legally in US?
Yes, I have the legal and unrestricted permission to work in the country. As a US resident, I hold the Employment Authorization Document (EAD) issued by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).
Do you need visa sponsorship now or in the future in case of employment?
No, visa sponsorship is not necessary for now and will not be a concern for the employer in the future.
Are you willing to take work trips or maybe move?
As a consultant, I'm completely willing to take work trips, inside or outside US. My wife and I are currently living in Boston, MA and even though we don't have plans to move now, we are always looking for good opportunities regardless of geographical limitations.
How do I pronounce your name?
If you want to know how to pronounce my name just try to say "kaa·ee·kee"
Why did you move to US?
I've wished to move to US for a long time. However, in 2019 my wife was invited to work as a fellow researcher at Harvard Medical School in Boston and we decided to move.
Are you open to job opportunities or even contract positions?
Sure! It will be great to talk about new opportunities and find out the best fit for us.
Do you have some business case that I can access?
The majority of projects that I have developed are under a non-disclosure agreement (NDA), and this keeps me posting the majority of the business cases on my website. Although in the session called "Cases" you'll find very representative cases that I worked on in the past years.